Georgian Desk/Carver Chair


Georgian Desk/Carver Chair. Good quality period dining chair or  suitable for a desk chair.  Broad generous seat in brown leather,  flanked by attractively shaped arms.  The back has a shaped crest and  pierced splat.  Late George III  period. We always aim to keep a good range of period chairs in stock. Seat height 45cms

Dimensions: 96cm High x 59cm Wide

Additional Dimensions:

Depth - 49cm
In Stock
SKU: TR4288B Category:

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    Georgian Desk/Carver Chair.  Lovely shape mahogany period chair – perfect for the study,  dining area or just for occasional use.  Straight legs and cross stretcher support this sturdy chair.  Good brown leather seat and attractively shaped arms. The back has a shaped crest and pierced splat.  Late George III period.  We always aim to keep a good choice of desk chairs as these along with period desks are the most popular items in Tudor Rose

    Additional information

    Dimensions 59 × 96 cm
    Additional Dimensions:
    Depth - 49cm

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